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  • Writer's pictureDavid Kim

Major Development of Nuclear Fusion Energy

Figure 1(link): Joint European Torus, a reactor being used to generate nuclear fusion energy

Nuclear fusion energy has always been known as a potential source of energy to sustain humankind. Compared to the detrimental effects on the environment that fossil fuels have, nuclear energy produces significantly less waste. There are two types of nuclear energy: nuclear fusion and fission. Fission involves the separation of heavy molecules to produce energy, while fusion involves the combination of molecules to produce energy. Although fusion energy requires specific molecules and heat energy of over 100 million Celsius to first start the reaction, there have recently been breakthroughs promising the possibility of this form of energy.

European scientists stated that by using Joint European Torus(JET) Fusion Reactor, they have created a new world record for the energy produced by nuclear fusion. According to BBC news, the scientists used two forms of hydrogen, deuterium, and tritium, to produce 59 megajoules of energy over a period of five seconds. This amount of energy is more than double the amount that was produced in a similar experiment conducted in 1997. Although the total energy produced is small, the stability of the reactor and the amount of energy produced in just a few seconds promises the possibility of producing even greater amounts of energy.

There are also other fusion reactors being created such as the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), which will have a toroidal vessel volume up to 10 times that of JET. Being built in Cadarache in the south of France, 35 international countries are currently collaborating on this project to create the most efficient and significant nuclear fusion reactor. JET will likely be decommissioned by 2023 and pass on the torch to ITER, which will begin its fusion experiments in 2025.

Compared to other forms of energy, such as solar energy, fossil fuels, or wind energy, nuclear fusion energy has promises of having more efficiency. According to the International Energy Forum, nuclear fusion releases nearly four million times more energy than using coal, oil, or natural gases, and four times as much energy is released from nuclear fission, the current method of nuclear energy. The problem is finding a way to obtain such a large amount of energy without losing it and increasing the time that the reactor can run. Despite these problems, the possibility and future of nuclear fusion energy are looking very promising.

Work Cited

Gibney, E. (2022, February 9). Nuclear-fusion reactor smashes energy record. Nature News. Retrieved April 2, 2023, from

International Energy Forum. (2022, June 2). How close are we to unlocking the 'limitless' energy of nuclear fusion? International Energy Forum. Retrieved April 2, 2023, from

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